seeing NSFW content on my tumblr dashboard
seeing NSFW content on my tumblr dashboard
That works for me! I look forward to what we find out, :DAWWW YEAAAAH. THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT. I’M SO EXCITED. ANYONE ELSE WANNA JOIN US IN THE GREAT PANDORA HEARTS RE-READ? 8D Would be fun to make it a fandom-wide event if possible. LMAO.
sorry. I love your hanjipeto. They are angels. your my god. Thank you very much to your pic. This is present for you; hanjipeto
I’m so happy to If you’re happy with it
THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!! thank you for your submit!!!! i love it uuaaaaaah i am so happy (´;ω;`) …
Fill this out in my ask box! One point for every correct answer. Ten points total plus bonus points for multiple correct answers. I’ll reply with your total score!
First name:
Sexual Orientation:
Relationship status:
Random fact:
when theres no fic for your otp
You know more than you think! 11.5 points (.5 for the nickname).
#2 I don’t think I ever mentioned nicknames but my mother does call me Sar and one of my friends calls me Sarita.
#5 pretty much depends on the day of the week but it can go both ways.
#8 close with the k-pop, but it’s more jpop
#9 I’m actually Polish (with some German) but I was born in the US.
ps, I am sad because you were totally spot on with my age, dammit
Sometimes I don’t talk at all during meetings and other times I am the reason they last an hour and a half…
i think freckles, stretch marks, tattoos, bruises, birthmarks and scars are probably the coolest thing, you started with almost a blank canvas and look at u now, all this evidence that you’ve lived and the sun has shone on you and you’ve grown and maybe tripped up a few times and liked an image so much u made it a permanent part of u, beautiful.
That’s one of the most uplifting things I’ve read
This needs to get passed around more
This is what happens when people give me colored paper.
“Start on January 1st with an empty jar. Throughout the year write the good things that happened to you on little pieces of paper. On December 31st, open the jar and read all the amazing things that happened to you that year.”
I’m reblogging this again, to remind people that reblogged this earlier in the year with the “I’M GOING TO DO THIS” comments. Now, here it is. I’m reminding you. You said you would do this. Now join me and start this Tuesday.
I genuinely love this idea. I am going to do this. I will post pictures of my jar and everything.
oh wow this is a beautiful idea
doing this
I’ve been doing this since the first of this year. I gotta say, my jar is looking pretty full.
I’m planning on doing it next year, too :D
The cat is being a little creeper and trying to sneak attack me as I type.
My writing inspiration for the evening/morning.
I cannot read any new stories until I finish this damn prompt. Which is currently on version five and I’m still freaking out that it might be too close to something that was already written by someone else.
(Natasha you’re providing me with lots of incentive here)
Pandora Hearts Re-read
things that stood out for me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2