ainawgsd: The moose (Alces alces) is a member of the New...
View Articleeerna:dear Nintendo, a) thank you so so much, b) playable zelda...
eerna:dear Nintendo, a) thank you so so much, b) playable zelda ?? maybe? ?
View Articlesomeone-save-meeee:I appreciate that tohru’s first reaction to seeing kyo...
someone-save-meeee:I appreciate that tohru’s first reaction to seeing kyo turned into a cat was that she somehow hit him hard enough to Do That. Like she really smacked him into another species. I...
View Articlesilver-tongues-blog: lillian-sunshine: lettherebedragons: The outrage that...
silver-tongues-blog:lillian-sunshine:lettherebedragons:The outrage that The Good Place is ending after season 4 kind of astounds me. What were people looking for in a show that tightly-plotted? There’s...
View Articlephrenotobe: rebelmeg: This fanfic brutally ripped out my heart and tore it to...
phrenotobe:rebelmeg:This fanfic brutally ripped out my heart and tore it to shreds, then stomped it into the ground while I drowned in a sea of my tears and basked in eternal sorrow.…..Here, read...
View Articlehyliansnacks: Now back to Lailah Loving Hours™
hyliansnacks:Now back to Lailah Loving Hours™
View Articlesockablock:Knowing a fic author through AO3 is like attending someone’s...
sockablock:Knowing a fic author through AO3 is like attending someone’s thesis presentation and politely clapping at the end, knowing a fic author through this hellsite is like going over to their...
View Articlegayidolanimetrash: When I’m stressed out with school I just...
gayidolanimetrash:When I’m stressed out with school I just procrastinate and draw my ships oops
View Articlegodandgaming: The first time I saw this it blew my mind so I...
godandgaming:The first time I saw this it blew my mind so I want to share this with you all lol
View Articlesalvicorn:i got 10 scoops of pistachio ice cream today!!!!
salvicorn:i got 10 scoops of pistachio ice cream today!!!!
View Articleelysianzine: elysianzine: | PRE-ORDERS ARE NOW OPEN!...
elysianzine:elysianzine:| PRE-ORDERS ARE NOW OPEN! |Elysian: A Land of the Lustrous zine is a perfect bound, 5.5 x 8.5 inch fanzine focused on Haruko Ichikawa’s immersive world of Land of the Lustrous...
View Articleno-mr-powers: “Oh, boy! That new Godzilla: King of the Monsters trailer sure...
no-mr-powers:“Oh, boy! That new Godzilla: King of the Monsters trailer sure was awesome! But I think that I need to brush-up on my Japanese monsters…“Here we go - Wikipedia! Always reliable!“Now, let’s...
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