somewhere-inthe-deepdetails: medranochav: PERCHED💅🏼 We should...
somewhere-inthe-deepdetails:medranochav:PERCHED💅🏼We should all be in fear of anyone strong enough to balance and literally support their entire mass in that pose on tiptoes.
View Articlethe-quasar-hero: yesterdaysprint: Boston Post, Massachusetts,...
the-quasar-hero:yesterdaysprint: Boston Post, Massachusetts, April 28, 1895Me: *sees my rival*Me: *ever so tenderly presses my forehead against them.*Me: I hate you so fucking much
View Articleson-of-tiwas: hi-def-doritos: siderealsandman: ignis-libertatis-humani:...
son-of-tiwas:hi-def-doritos:siderealsandman:ignis-libertatis-humani:texasflagemoji:Ye Olde Tumblr, 1609end thy life knaveyon originale pofter if an æphobehear ye! hear ye! this be a callout post for...
View Articlekibibarel: today i’m thinking about: this Sudowoodo character in SM that can...
kibibarel:today i’m thinking about: this Sudowoodo character in SM that can just randomly speak English in the localized versions of the games, assumedly because nobody in the localization team caught...
View Articlechiribomb: prokopetz: As cat owners we like to joke about how the cat is the...
chiribomb:prokopetz:As cat owners we like to joke about how the cat is the one who’s really in charge, but let’s be honest here: my cats think they’re in charge, but they’re also fucking dumbasses....
View Articleskialdi: I finally started The Promised Neverland and I really...
skialdi:I finally started The Promised Neverland and I really like Gilda
View Articleshakespork:i dont remember much from fruits basket except that i started it...
shakespork:i dont remember much from fruits basket except that i started it thinking it would be a ditzy romantic fluffy shoujo about cute boys and cute animals and what i actually got was a...
View Articlebookeworm94: I have a reading list longer than my life expectancy.
bookeworm94:I have a reading list longer than my life expectancy.
View Articlemadelezabeth: Link: hylian champion & hair stylist (just ignore the fact...
madelezabeth:Link: hylian champion & hair stylist (just ignore the fact that hes not wearing the cape in the beginning lol)Follow me on twitter
View Articlepkmntarot: 💫 Evolution Tarot💫 Preorders for the Pokemon Tarot Deck are now...
pkmntarot:💫 Evolution Tarot💫Preorders for the Pokemon Tarot Deck are now open until July 15! Preorder Here
View Articleknightlysong: I completely forgot to upload this back when I...
knightlysong:I completely forgot to upload this back when I first made this a while back oofBanner I made for something I’m working on. Used this as an opportunity to practice lighting and setting a...
View Articlehumandisastersquad: why do ppl in scifi have such a hard time saying ‘thank...
humandisastersquad:why do ppl in scifi have such a hard time saying ‘thank you’ to robots. i say thank you to inanimate objects all the time and sure as hell would thank a robot for doing even the bare...
View Articlekoyoriin: Edelgard & Byleth // Fire Emblem: Three...
koyoriin:Edelgard & Byleth // Fire Emblem: Three Houses of a Patreon...
View Articledykenightwing: Concept: Wooloo but make it cosmog
dykenightwing:Concept: Wooloo but make it cosmog
View Articlegzeidraws: Commission of Say’ri for Chris :D Commission info...
gzeidraws:Commission of Say’ri for Chris :DCommission info here
View Articlechouxli: she does the cat tongue thing right
chouxli:she does the cat tongue thing right
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