Just took a reading test from Staples and confirmed that I am still a slower-than-average reader. I mean, I read a LOT, and I love it, and I’ve gotten much faster over the years. But while my dyslexia is mild, it is not something I’ll ever get over, I guess.
You can test yourself here, just remember that these tests don’t really say anything about how smart you are or your potential for success or whatever. I like to think that whatever neurological weirdness makes it hard for me to process written words also gives me a different way of looking at the world that gives more than it takes.
I’m 66% slower than average. I’ve never been tested for any form of dyslexia. English is my second language, but I still think my Danish reading is double speed at most. (around 3rd grade student - what the hell, your 3rd grade students read HELLA fast, fuck. I’ve been helping out in a 2nd grade class before, they JUST started reading more normal stuff, but not very fast, trust me). No wonder I had problems with my reading homework in IB.
"You read 368 words per minute.
That makes you 47% faster than the national average.”
english isn’t my first language tho jfdhgdhSame ^^
751 words per minute.
200% faster than the national average, :)