Heres the thing you gotta understand about statistics.
“Increases your chances by 80%” does not mean “there is now an 80% chance”.
If your chances were previously 10%, your chances are now 18%, not 90%.
if your chances were roughly 1%, they’re now just slightly less than 2%.
thats how that works.
Wow I don’t understand math at all
‘if you have a baby after 35, the chance of deformities goes up by 100%’ is a line I hear alot.
It goes up from .5% to 1%
I think my brain just stopped working
100% is just another way of saying twice more likely. So 100% more basically means multiply the number you do have by 2.
Imagine how many woman are scared to have kids because of that statistic
This is why I took stats instead of calc. Because I don’t build engineer bridges in my everyday life but I sure do read studies that affect how I might live my life if I misinterpret them.
I’m terrible at numbers and math but I knew this and I really take it for granted. The average person definitely assumes, quite understandably, that “600% INCREASE!!!” must always mean a whole lot even if it literally only means that one of something is now six of something.
Politicians probably take a shitload of advantage of this confusion.just remember that increased BY and increased TO are very different things.
Oh god I didn’t even think about that whole other layer of confusion.
Yeah if you’ve got 100 people and one of them is sick, that’s 1% of them who are sick, so if it “increased BY 100%” then that means now two people are sick.
If it’s “increased TO 100%” then all 100 people are sick.
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