why are there 5,000 people on this site holding back from doing something with literally zero repercussions for anyone in a world that will never remember the chances you didn’t take? don’t waste your time on this earth live your life slap some rice
Hi my job is literally to reset the shelves and honestly??
Slap that rice. Slap it good. patting down the bags makes it easier to stack more, which means when I have to do it it’ll be flatter and more settled and more likely that I can just slide it along without it slidin’ around.
You are doing me a FAVOR by slapping that rice.rice man approves
Slap that rice. Slap it good. Slap that ricebag just like you should.
trantifa: thyrell: yaboybigbadguzma: thyrell: dankmemeuniversity: why are there 5,000 people...