No matter how much you throw around SJ language, a ship does not make you an ally, a ship does not make you anti-racism, a ship does not make you feminist.
Shipping is a thing you do for fun, shipping is a way of enjoying a canon, shipping can be a speculative tool, but for the most part it’s a thing you do for fun not to wave you dick to ‘prove you are better than others’.
A gay ship doesn’t prevent homophobia, an interracial ship doesn’t prevent racism (looking at finrey shippers who’re super eager to throw the N word at black people for ‘justified reasons’,) a ship with a woman in it doesn’t prevent you being a misogynist fuck nugget.
This also works the other way around. People who don’t ship your ship are not sexist/racist/homophobic for not shipping it.
Shipping is a hobby. It’s not activism any more than something like playing video games or listening to podcasts. If you’re gonna criticize my morality based on my ships, you might as well be telling me my cross stitch isn’t doing enough to combat systemic homophobia.